Transition from crib to toddler bed...HELP


Hey everyone!

My 2 year old already sucks at sleeping but she recently learned she could climb out of her crib. We have moved her to a toddler bed. Only problem is that she REFUSES to stay in her bed. Example:

She cried for 3 hours last night from 1230-330. We would put her back in immediately say goodnight and give lots of reassurance and leave, We tried the cuddling until she was asleep, she would cry and flip the light on as soon as we would leave. We would lay on the floor and scoot closer to the door everytime we put her back in. Finally I said screw it and brought her with me. (Patients was very thin at 3am after doing this for 3 hours when I only got 2 hours of sleep) any advice for a sleep deprived pregnant mama?