Breast pump pros/cons?

Michelle • Momma to 👼🏽 Gabriel (11.2.15), 👼🏽 Michael (6.20.17), 🎀 Evelyn (09.23.18), 💙 James (12.12.19), 🎀 Scarlett (3.20.22) 👼🏽 Matthew Oliver (3.6.23)

I’m getting ready to order my new pump from aeroflow and would love to know what other people have chosen- and what y’all have liked and disliked about your pumps 😊 I’m not opposed to spending $ on one of the upgrades! I have previously used an old 😂 hand-me-down Medela from WIC and then last time I ordered the Motif Luna and looooooooved the results- hated trying to clean in all the nooks & crannies (I do not have a dishwasher, so hand washing it was a bitch and I’d often leave it to soak!)