Idk what to do

As long as I pass my finals I’ll have exactly as many credits to graduate a year early as I need, but I’m also at a tech school for food service(ServSafe I & II💪) so it gets complicated. So I have 3 options: graduate this spring at 17, continue my lab training, or do a work study where I’m still a student but never have to set foot on the property except to turn in my paystub. I want to continue being a student because I don’t want to miss another homecoming AND my second prom(dumb reason, I know) and I have an excuse to stay at my house for another year and not feel pressured to find an apartment.

If I graduate, I’ll be able to move out in august but if I don’t move, I will definitely spiral mentally for rushing things and being too unprepared to leave my abusive household asap because then it’s my fault that I’m still there, and if I move out then, I won’t have a roommate to split costs with because no one I know will be moving out til their senior year is over.

So my options are actually either stay with toxic and abusive people who make me feel hopeless enough to guide my mental illness into a spiraling suicidal depression at least 4x a year, save up more money, get to go to senior prom, and move out with a roommate; or I save up for a single summer, pressure myself into a financially unstable situation, and be free to cut my hair or leave the living room without fear of being physically/emotionally attacked

Neither are great options. Realistically I should go for saving money, but the gamble of becoming happier with debt or more depressed over the debt is enticing.