Tantrums when toddler is excited to do something


My 16 month old is developing a habit where if we ask her or tell her something and she wants it, she literally throws a fit. And it is when she wants something. Every night when dinner is done I tell her dinner is done and pick her up to put her in her high chair and she has a meltdown until she gets her food. She loves eating, she is excited to eat, but like so excited she throws a fit til she gets it

Her fav activity is reading books. Right now I asked if she wants to read books and she says yes then throws herself to the floor having a meltdown. It really sounds like she doesn’t want to if you don’t know her - but she really does. She is upset til she gets to read the books then she is happy. It’s like she has a hard time waiting the few seconds to get to the activity but i don’t want her to think she needs to be crying to get what she wants.

I should add that she will be happy before we ask the question, her mood totally changed when she hears the question/activity

Any advice?