I keep lashing out

I dont know why but i just keep lashing out. Like i have a short fuse. This is only towards the closest people. Only my family. I dont know why this started happening. I started the pill in may of 2021 and it has helped me a lot. Im 20 years old but feel like im going through some freshman year of high school teenage girl angst. I live at home with my mom who is basically like a sister to me. I love her so much. But i am so disrespectful and get so annoyed with her for absolutely anything. It breaks my heart and since i sleep on the couch (we went through having my dad leaves my mom and me basically without anything after their divorce) and i have been helping my mom ever since. Im not sure if there is a sort of resentment because i am always putting my life in pause… and even when im not im constantly worried about something. I try to control everything and my moms emotions weigh heavily on me. I am the same with my boyfriend, its almost like I try to self sabotage things and argue with him all the time. He puts up with it but i know its unfair. Im not sure how to help myself. Im not sure how to relax and just stop worrying and stop having such a short fuse. I want to move out and be surrounded by people my age at college but then my heart cant just leave my mama at home alone. I want to just not feel like im an angry grandma when im only just 20. Its so exhausting and i hate that im .. to put it simply.. bitchy to the people that I love who are closest to me. Its like im a ticking time bomb. Once again, idk if the pill has something to do with this because before it i was only sad and not angry… could anyone give me some advice on how to slow down and think before i speak or slam doors or am just an absolute angry bitch? I want things to be happy and i feel like i drag everythinf down.