
How did you know that you were done with your marriage and how did you tell your spouse?

My spouse and I have been together since December of 2014 and got married 6 months ago. I want out! Before we got married we had a child, but we never lived together full time. We got engaged 4 months after our child was born, but even before all of that the relationship was on edge. He stated multiple times that the baby wasn’t his and even called me the devil. While engaged, we had other issues and the wedding kept getting pushed back. Then we decided to get a house built together well everything went well until the last credit check and I couldn’t be on the loan. He still got the house and I would come over every once in awhile. Then we decided to move forward with getting married. I ended up giving him half of the down payment for the house and would stay half the week at the house and then go back to my mom’s. I paid for the wedding by myself. I had no help from him and even paid for part of the honeymoon which we didn’t decide to go anywhere until the week before the wedding. So since being married things have gone downhill. We both got sick. He didn’t work for some months, I went back to work but ended up losing my vehicle right around Christmas (he has 2 but didn’t offer to let me drive one of them he did drive me to work). Not only was his money shirt but so was mine. I ended up getting about $3K from my mom to help out, but that still didn’t really help much. I maxed out credit cards, got behind on bills, etc. Now we don’t have any joint credit, bank accounts, anything. My last straw was him drunk texting me that he was in love with his baby mama AND he stayed out all night. When he did half ass apologize he said he wasn’t in love with anyone. I want to leave, but financially I’m not able to. I could go back to where I was staying before but I would have to drive an hour to get my kid to school everyday or put my kid into a different school. There’s been a lot of other things that has happened, but trying to keep it short. I just need some advice.