Some thing needs to change!

Moms I need your help!! I cannot do anything without my kid screaming! here's a little backstory I'm a mom of 3. I work full time at a nursing home and my husband works nights so he usually doesn't get home until like 2 or 3 in the morning. on my days off I like to try to get my housework done and it's virtually impossible. my two year old screams all the time if I'm not sitting down with him playing. I will sit down and play with him for an hour or so and then I go to get up to do anything and he has a total meltdown. he's not satisfied unless I'm sitting right down in a chair with him. my house is completely falling apart and I don't know what to do. he doesn't want anything to do with his brother or sister. he just wants me I don't know what to do anymore even making dinner is tough .. if you have any suggestions I will be great it. I appreciate it