Throwing up blood an emergency?


So I’ve been throwing up pretty much continuously for the past 6 weeks(I’m 12 weeks along), the joys of first trimester. And my “morning sickness” has been bordering on HG with how much/how often I’m sick, and how much weight I’ve lost.

Yesterday and today I’ve been throwing up blood along with my bile. Sometimes the consistency of coffee grounds, sometimes straight blobs of bright red blood. I called the nurse advice line yesterday and was told to go to the ER for IV fluids to rehydrate me. I went and 4 geriatric patients were taken straight back into the ward while I was told “this isn’t exactly an emergency, you’re gonna have to wait” but berthas bunion needing to be drained went straight back.

The nurses were very dismissive of me and even said “are you sure it’s blood?” And I said “ma’am it’s bright red and I have nothing else in my stomach. I can taste the copper metallic taste when I spit up. I know it’s blood” Eventually I got tired of the waiting and throwing up on myself and went home to try and rehydrate on my own. I managed to keep a couple glasses of water down after forcing myself to keep down my nausea meds(most of the time I throw them straight back up involuntarily)

I’m just confused since my doctor and the nurse line said it was urgent and needed an ER visit. But the ER staff acted like I was wasting their time.

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