Period is MIA, weird spotting, negative pregnancy tests?


Had anyone ever had this problem? My <a href="">glow app</a> is usually right on the money. I’ve had common pms symptoms but also felt like they could’ve been implantation. Headaches, EXTREME fatigue, mood swings. On the 20th-21st I had extremely light spotting. Thought it was my period starting early but it was only when I would wipe. It was so light in color, then the 22nd it got a bit heavier but was never flowing, Still only when I would wipe. My period was originally suppose to come on the 25th. I also had cramping in my lower stomach, and bloating to the MAXXX. (TMI but… I felt constipated but it was accompanied by diarrhea). Now I’m not bleeding at all and no sign of AF. I have taken tests and they all came negative except two. They were blue dye, I know, but the lines came immediately so I was very confused. I was thinking maybe cysts on my ovaries?