Can this happen

So I took a pregnancy test at 8days before my period and got a faint positive I didn’t take a picture as it was early in the morning and I was too tired to even try to take a picture

Well I’m late for my period and I took 2 opks since those are my last and gonna expire next month and just to see what they would say and didn’t expect it to come out so dark like they did

I don’t have a pregnancy test on hand till later today (it’s almost 1am where I live and places are closed) so I will have to wait

My question is will it show positive if pregnant or if I’m near my period since being late doesn’t always mean pregnant? I know they aren’t reliable indicator for pregnancy I get that but I just need to know if someone else has been through this before

I’m going anonymous because I have family on here and don’t want them to find out anything yet


Deffo pregnant 😭 I just took the test