HCG only up 3 :(

faith/fear • 3 back to back ectopic pregnancies. Starting our IVF journey in April ‘25 for our triple rainbow ❤️🌈🌈🌈

1/24/22- 31 HCG

1/26/22-34 HCG

I don’t know what to think 😔 I just am disappointed in myself

Why is it so easy for some women and so hard for others to stay pregnant

Am I not worthy of a healthy pregnancy and baby?

I guess I was never met to be a mother 😞

I know when the dr calls it’s just gonna be “we need another draw”

I guess I should be happy they’re rising instead of dropping but I have this horrible feeling I won’t be keeping our rainbow 😖

I just wish I could experience a normal pregnancy…. But not me…

I’m not the 1 in 4 that win the lottery

I’m the 1 in 4 that had an ectopic pregnancy and almost died

Now it looks like I’ll be adding miscarriage to the equation.

I’m so sad, hurt, angry, and tired

I know I’m not alone but… I feel like crawling in a hole and dying

My best friends sister is pregnant with her 5th kid different baby daddies and here I am can’t even have one make it past 6 weeks gestation 😞

Why me. Just why me.