Anyone else love progesterone?!

I’ve read so many negative things about starting progesterone because of the side effects like bloating, weight gain, nausea, and headaches.

I (or my body rather) FREAKING LOVES IT. I’m taking it to support my luteal phase/implantation. Are there any other ladies out there that feel amazing on progesterone?

I take a vaginal suppository and it’s making me feel phenomenal. I’m no longer constipated which has been a life long chronic issue for me with no medical relief. I’ve lost 3 pounds in 2 days. I had to bust my ass to lose 40 pounds previously. I fought for every pound to come off my body. I’m less bloated. I’ve always had stomach bloat even at my thinnest. I’m sleeping soundly through the night for 8-9 hours. I usually toss and turn at a few points in the night. I’m less anxious in general. I’ve been in therapy and working independently on coping with anxiety.

I just feel the best I’ve felt in a while and I’m hoping there’s someone else out there that’s had a positive instead of negative experience with progesterone.