Anyone Else Hate Cooking?

Not me, but me partner hates cooking. He was neglected as a child and had to learn by trial and error how to cook for himself. He burned a lot of food, ate the same thing over and over again, etc.

We've been married almost 7 years. I love this man. I've stood by his side through so much and will continue to. That being said...He used to cook in the beginning, now he won't cook for himself. He'll cook if I ask him to for the family, but when I'm at work all day and our kid's at school, he won't even make a sandwich for himself. He's not in the best health (obese, heart condition, depression). This leads to him feeling ill, groggy, etc., and just not being in a good place mentally and physically.

I've been understanding, but I'm at my wits end. I, too, suffer from depression as well as anxiety, and I had to take care of little ones when I was a little one myself and had traumatic experiences from it, but I don't let that be an excuse not to take care of our own kid.

I know depression is hard and he is very sensitive, defensive, and is awful at taking criticism but... Am I selfish and wrong for wanting to tell him to grow up, cook for himself, and take care of himself? I don't want to be burying my partner at a young age, and I don't want to have to quit my job to take care of him if his health rapidly declines and we lose everything since I'm the sole provider.