Chemical pregnancy 😔

Lyndsey ❤️ • Baby boy born 13th March 👶🏼 35 uk

Iv had faint lines for afew days now and got my bloods done and my hcg was 11 pretty low, Iv also started to bleed but my main worry is the pain omg Iv been curled in a ball with stabbing pains it’s eased up abit today but want to know how bad was anyone else’s pain with chemical pregnancy?

Hospital aren’t ruling anything out at this stage like eptopic etc

Any other experiences would help me out xxx

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Posted at
Oh I am so sorry you are going through this.


Lyndsey ❤️ • Jan 31, 2022
Thank you xxx


Posted at
I’ve had several chemicals. They were never really painful for me, but I bled way more with them than I do with a period. I’m sorry; I know how awful they are. Sending hugs.


Lyndsey ❤️ • Jan 29, 2022
Thank you and so sorry to hear you had alot of these, my blood hasn’t been alot and the pain was worse then Iv ever felt! I’m waiting blood tests back just wana get back to normal xx


Posted at
This is my first chemical and the cramps are painful. I’m sorry you are going through this. 🤍


Posted at
I’m going through a chemical pregnancy for the 2nd time had one last month and Now smh. Last month aaa not as bad as this month I started yesterday I felt soo sick cramps are horrible even with Tylenol 😫.. I’ve used preseed 2 month and both month chemical pregnancy I’ll never use it again.


Leah • Jan 30, 2022
So sorry for your loss. I also had a chemical last month. Preseed is not the cause. Chemical pregnancies are very, very common. We only just realized they happened within the last few decades because of very sensitive home pregnancy tests. Prior to this, a woman had to miss two periods before a doctor would do a blood test to confirm a pregnancy. Multiple chemical pregnancies don't always mean something is wrong. I would speak with your primary care physician to see what they think you should do. Sometimes it's a matter of tests to rule out health issues with you or your partner. Try not to be discouraged. I know it's hard, but you need to focus on positive thinking and take proactive steps to self advocate for your health.


Lyndsey ❤️ • Jan 28, 2022
So sorry for your loss, it’s heart breaking isn’t it I just don’t know what’s wrong with my body why I can’t hold a pregnancy I want tests done but my hospital won’t! What is preseed? Xx


Posted at
This is exactly how I’m feeling now, like I’m in so much pain


Lyndsey ❤️ • Jan 29, 2022
Oh no the pain is horednous! If you don’t have bleeding tho that’s a good sign? Xx


Gina • Jan 29, 2022
I went to the ER for really bad back pain last night, and they said told me it’s pregnancy and to just monitor it


Gina • Jan 28, 2022
Stabbing and feeing in my lower back especially, no bleeding yet