Late period. Covid vaccine or diet or both?


So I am 35 and I have been regular since I was 11. Never missed or got a late period. Last month I got my Covid booster and my period was late by 18 days. It came back awith slightly heavier flow but nothing crazy. I thought ok, it’s back and we are good. Then this month I got on a healthier eating plan and lost about 10 lbs. I don’t think I was starving, I just cut back some wrong foods and habits and the weight came off. But This month my period is late by 5 days.

I’m wondering if anyone got their period back after the jab/vaccine but the cycle length changed? Or is this because of the weightloss and is temporary?

I just need some peace of mind 😭😭😭


Got my period a week late.

So first cycle after booster = period 18 days late

2nd cycle after booster = period 7 days late

So looks like it’s getting better? Lol.

Period is painful and heavyish but nothing too crazy.

Hope everyone else gets their period back too!
