Should I be upset

kiki • ❤️Married ❤️💙BoymomX3💙 TTC #1 for Husband😻 😥3yrs TTC 💜MFI💜

We basically have a joint account since I dont have a bank account anymore. Any money that I get is deposited into this account for wte expenses,bills,etc. My husband just got paid Friday and the account is already under $100. Now im not saying he can’t spend his hard earned money on what he wants just do things within budget. I have 3 kids and most if not all my money goes on them or household stuff. He told me 2-3months ago that we need to save money and he has bought a apple watch and airpods(full price!) in the past 2weeks. Complaining about the electricity bill being $500 but yet you spend that on you😑. We both have cars that needs repairs and our house is still being worked on. Granted yes he is the mechanic and handyman around the house but still! I don’t want to keep saying anything about it because he doesn’t like arguing. I honestly don’t feel like hearing I do everything why can’t I have this or that. Our phone bill is $220/m due to financing our phones we own our house but it needs repairs. Am I wrong for being mad about the watch and airpods? My bff said im jealous because he got it first which im not apple is very expensive and im cheap.