

So the last two days my 10 week old has been having issues with eating! He suddenly cries while eating or not long after eating. He gulps really loud but I think he’s getting a lot of air. He never did this before and now suddenly does. I suspect reflux which he’s sort of had but not this bad. He does this with bottle or breast now. Tonight I gave him a bottle and at the end of it he acted like he was choking on it. Scared me so bad! I’ve tried gas drops (which I’m not sure helps with reflux), I burp him a couple of times during the feeding, and I keep him up right during the feeding and after for 30 minutes or so. It seems like this is not really helping anymore. Also he drinks very aggressively and quickly and he always has but now I can’t get him to slow down and if I relieve my milk some before he eats to help with that he gets frustrated. I’m kind of stuck. Any tips or maybe suggestions? I hate feeling like he’s not eating enough or in pain! I am going to call his doctor tomorrow but need advice for night feedings!