How the hell do I handle a mommies boy ??

Clu • 💋

We’ve been married for a year now and I’ve come to realize I’ve married a mommies boy 🙃

It wasn’t clear to me that he was one because things were going soo good and we weren’t with each other24/7 which was a healthy balance.

With that being said . legit every time something remotely inconvenience happens he call his mom

And it’s like for everything.

He’ll call her :

- when we argue ( she’ll call me afterwards and his dad)

- when I cook dinner and he is questioning my cooking

- when our daughter or I have a doctors appointments

- he’s feeling the slightest body pain

I always tell him he doesn’t need to tell his mom everything and it leads to arguments Bc I guess I say it harshly ..

So how do I go about it ???