Can't seem to shift the thought


I've had 4 miscarriages before hand, my last one being in November 2021. I'm now pregnant, and had 2 scans already seeing the heartbeat made me cry as this is the furthest I've gotten. I'm now 8w4ds. I've been diagnosed with sch and fibroid sitting at the back on my uterus, ive been bleeding/brown discharge since 6w2d and I'm terrified it ending in a miscarriage. I'm on progesterone passeries, and we haven't told many people due to my history so I haven't got many people to talk to. I can't shift the feeling of it ending badly. I'm terrified and so nervous for my next scan Thursday 10th, just incase. I'm trying to stay postive but knowing my history I just can't get the thought out of my head. My symptoms have subsided and haven't got many. Im still feeling nauseous, and boobs are tender but other than that nothing no cramping, my tiredness has gone and not really feeling pregnant🥺.

Sorry for the rant but I just feeling blughh atm😟