Spilled the announcement beans

we spilled the beans on our announcement to my brother & sister in law but we didn’t acknowledge the spill or come out with it and say “well now you know!”

They are tight knit with my other SIL so I know she was informed immediately by text as well.

We just moved along in the conversation cus We’re still just not ready to talk about our little baby with people.

We don’t want any negativity about having 2u2 as a military family with no help while dealing with covid impacts.

There is also a lot of tension in our families with favoritism and comparing in grand babies and families etc. and we just want to keep it to ourselves as long as we can because any negativity would really hurt our mental state right now.

I guess I’m venting but anyone else dealing with a “pretty sure they know what’s up but we’re not saying it” situation?