When will I lose the baby weight...



I remember being 2 months post partum reading all about how bf does or doesn't melt the baby weight and I was left completely confused about when I should expect change. I obviously had passed the initial post birth mega drop. For two months I stayed the same. I was depressed and assumed I would hold on to the last 15 for a long time.

Then suddenly my kid started eating like a maniac around 4 months and at 5 months the pounds starting rapidly melting off. I'm assuming at this time I was peaking milk production/calorie burning.

This post is for all those early ftm's wondering when you'll get your body back. The answer is obviously different for everyone but I expect there's something to be said for that window around 5-6 months before solids when the baby is eating like a baby cow!!

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Posted at
Everyone is different so it’s hard to judge what’s normal or common. Personally I had vastly different experiences with my 2 children. With my first I was in my pre-pregnancy jeans a week or 2 postpartum. With my second I’m 8 months postpartum and still 2-3 sizes bigger than I was before. I had a c section so I was being incredibly gentle with my body but I’ve just recently felt comfortable exercising and I feel like I’m starting to notice a difference weight wise.


Posted at
I don’t loose the bay weight until my kiddos start eating solids so around 8-10 months. And nursing is decreased.


mac • Feb 6, 2022
Yes I eat a ton of calories. Good healthy ones while I’m nursing.


Elle • Feb 6, 2022
Do you eat a lot more when nursing? I was at the beginning but it stabilized trying to keep up with a mobile baby.


Posted at
It doesn’t always work that way. Also, when my daughter stopped nursing, I gained a 10lbs back in one month even though I was eating way less and still pumping. Hormones play a role.


Posted at
It can take years. I never lost the weight I gained with my daughter (only gained 10 pounds). I'm definitely not an underweight person. During this pregnancy so far I've been losing weight (16 weeks now). I think breastfeeding actually made me gain weight, maybe more than pregnancy honestly.


Posted at
Baby #2 is 4 months today and eating like a maniac. I don’t know if it’s a leap or because I’m back at work but the weight is FINALLY starting to drop. With my first I could let get rid of the last 5lbs until he weaned at -8 months. I suspect it will be the same with this one.