Husband has been talking about a female friend at work nonstop

My husband and I have a good relationship, pregnancy has brought out some of my insecurities, but for the most part we are good. I work from home, so I don’t really have any office friends or anything like that.

However, my husband works in his office, and has befriended a woman there. Apparently, to him, they have been friends for two years. I’m just now hearing about her this last month, he brought her up a few weeks ago, I asked some questions and let it be. He brought her up again, this time the way he talked about her bothered me, like he was putting her on a pedestal and it annoyed me. So I asked “what does she look like?” And he described her but then was like she’s not really pretty but she’s so chill.

I met her finally, and she’s literally gorgeous. So that bothered me that he clearly lied about it. But now he brings her up almost daily. Like “oh you wouldn’t believe what she said at work” and he’s also been texting her. She is also married, and my husband knows her husband as he works in a different department.

I understand being friends with members of the opposite sex and whatever. But I’m tired of hearing about her, he praises her and talks about her like she’s so great. Then he lies about her not being attractive, and now apparently they text eachother. Idk if her husband knows but I’m just not comfortable with it and get a bad feeling. I don’t know what the messages say, because I am trying to trust and I don’t snoop. I only know it’s her because his phone will ding and ding and ding and he’s looking at it laughing and I’ll ask who it is and he says it’s her.

Keep in mind I have NO male friends.