Induced to C-section


This whole week has been a hard week for me. It was past my due date and I've been told to pick a date for Induction. So I did. I stayed in the hospital over a night just to find out out that my baby's head was facing the sky😥 So I thought of going through with the natural birth. After how hours of pushing and pushing, baby just wont come out. Then, I was told theres couple reasons why he wont budge when they try turning him, they also said there could be number of reasons and I started to panic for my boy. I thought to my myself I'm still going to push him out even though it is the hardest way to push a baby out. The clock went on so fast that it was already the next day. I was already at 10cm. They started talking to me about other options. Options that I did not plan to take. Because I was in labor for 2 days, I decided to take epidural. I pushed for another 4 hours and still no change. I was at the brick of loosing hope😥 while the nurses were encouraging me, I just kept thinking of my son. My first born. Me thinking to myself that I need to make the right choice here, if I cant push my son out, the only way to make sure that he arrives safely in my arms is the last option I never wanted in my life. & So I looked at my husband who was in tears and scared that he might loose me and baby, & I told him, "I dont want anything to happen to our son." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said " I dont wanna loose both of you". I told him I want to have the C-section if it's the only way to save him. We welcomed our healthy baby boy with tears in our eyes. & This is my first blessing that god has given to me and my husband. Our baby is a healthy baby boy❤️ Today he is 5 days old.