Still cramping. 🧐


Hi all! I am 4 weeks and 6 days today and I’m still feeling cramps. They are light- moderate and favor the right side of my uterus, which is also the side I usually feel any PMS cramping. Is this normal? I also have insanely tender breasts which has now focused itself in the ducts, and it hurts to move. I’m scared I will go to the bathroom and find blood..

I’m 42, this is my first baby, and it is a miracle from having a 31 FSH level. I was facing heading to the fertility Dr, but wasn’t keen to take hormones. I did the test checking my progesterone to see if I had even ovulated last month, and was a 12- and…. I was unknowingly pregnant! I went through so much sadness thinking it wasn’t possible, and suddenly, bam! I had even been taking HGC tests and thought they were negative… but it turns out I didn’t give them enough time! From the first to the last, you can see the line darkening progression. I’m telling this story to help anyone understand my worry of losing my sweet miracle, not knowing if I can get pregnant naturally again.

Thank you for any mommy help!

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Posted at
I’m still getting leg cramps and light cramps in my belly. I think it’s fairly common for cramps this early on! 💞


Posted at
Ellooo I’m 39 and first time. Exactly 5 weeks today, still light cramps and boobs hurt even when I walk. So let’s hope it’s all good ❤️


Tina • Feb 19, 2022
Helps so much, especially while we haven’t told people yet and don’t have many people to share feelings with ❤️❤️


Kara • Feb 19, 2022
Let’s do! This just helps to know we each are not alone! ❤️