Am I bi or lesbian?


Okay so I know that I have a giant attraction to woman so I know that but sometimes I think if I'm actually bi because right now I am only young and I dont have much selection so I could be attracted to guys and not know it.

I did this test on my self (trigger warning: this is stupid) so I googled cute guys and then I googled cute girls, then I clicked on a picture and I asked myself "would I date this guy?" And I said nope and almost gaged but all I know is that I would definitely date the girl.

I actually have a funny story.

So when I first googled cute girls like 7 pics loaded up and my mind was like YEP YEP I WOULD DATE ALL OF EM.

So I think I'm a lesbian maybe idk

*on a side note whenever I think about marrying a guy and having like a life with him I either frown or gag

Maybe it's compulsory hetrosexuality


Men are gross