

So currently me and my husband are living in the same house as his parents because they are on a lease together lately his father mother and sister have been acting weird they're always complaining about something the parents always complain about food or something the other day for example he said some milk in the fridge he bought when I clearly bought it cause I had just gone grocery shopping (i get assistance on SNAP) he has also complained about bread and other food which clearly we buy. Then we get to the sister she says I don't do anything that i don't clean when I do mind you I'm 38 weeks pregnant I clean and scrub the bathtub toilet and clean restroom out clean kitchen wash dishes they leave without complaining my thing is why do they act like I don't do anything. When clearly I'm doing the most me and my husband are rarely out of our room because of this. In June we will be getting our own place and idk how to go about telling my husband that his family won't be allowed at our house without letting us know they are coming over I don't want the toxic family around US. His sister also at one time made my husband feel really bad and sad because we went to visit some friends out of state because we were gonna pick up some things for our unborn daughter. His little sister is also pregnant and she was having her gender reveal and this sister wanted us to take her and her mom because it her first baby and it's not my first baby. Not realizing that it's also her brother's first child. They have no kind of care for others feeling but when someone says something to them they get mad. I'm just so done with his family