Looking for this pregnancy test

Okay this may sound weird I’m from the USA and it took me 1 year and a half to conceive my 1st and I realized now that this is not that long of a time but when trying every month just feels like forever I took pregnancy test after test it was all the pink dye ones cause I was hoping for that faint line …. Then one month I said you no what I’m getting the digital no wondering or line eyes it’s just a yes or no and guess what that month it said yes !!!! 9 months later I got the best thing that ever happened to me my little boy now I’m. Currently doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and my transfer is soon and I know they say wait for the blood test but I no me and I know I’m going to test before so my question is does anyone know where I can get the clear blue week estimate test I can’t find it any where and I really like the take the same test it’s like a superstition or something for me I just feel like if I find this test the answer will be yes I know it’s crazy but it’s how I feel