Spotting and cramps at 4wks pregnant



Has anyone experience spotting only when they wipe and cramps at 4 wks pregnancy was confirmed but in ultrasound couldn't see anything but doctor said that was normal due to how early I am and sent me to repeat beta hcg in 48 hrs I'm very scared never experienced this with any of my pregnancy but it's been 7 years since my last baby.

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Yes I had that, they tested my levels and my progesterone was very low... they put me on supplements and haven't had any more spotting or blood since then! Try not to worry. I know easier said than done, I still worry to this day just because that happened... I go back in a week for my 12 week appointment and hope everything is still going okay


Ada • Apr 7, 2022
Thank u hun I just went today for bloodwork ima stay positive. The spotting got me scarred they said my hcg was in the same range as my dates and that why they couldn't see anything on ultrasound.