yesterday felt like euphoria


ladies ladies ladies. i met this guy on tinder. turns out he is one of my sisters friends. we decided to hang out and just watch movies all day. which we did, but with movies comes sex. we were at it all day long and my god was it amazing. imma just emphasise: EYE CONTACT. IT HAD ME FALLIN IN LOVE AND TURNED ME ON SO FKN MUCH HOLY SHIT! He would check in on me, always ask if i was ok. and when I asked him to back off just a little bc it started to hurt a lot, he said “thank you for telling me.” LIKE WHAT? A GUY WHO ASKS FOR CONSENT, DOESN’T GRT MAD WHEN YOU ASK TO SLOW DOWN AND CAN GIVE ME A MINDBLOWING ORGASM?!?!? i think the fk yes!!! mind you i’ve only ever been with one guy before him who i trusted and made me believe the things he’d do and make me do we’re normal during sex. big no no. anyway i had the time of my life and holy moley i hope he puts a ring on my finger in the future far out 🥵🥵🥵