Advice on pumping when you can’t yet breast feed your baby?


So my beautiful little boy was born 5 days ago and we didn’t realise he had a deformity/blockage in his bowel causing food to not be able to go down and be digested and needed surgery at day 4. I haven’t been able to do skin to skin with him since the day he was born as he would smell my milk and get really upset (his not aloud to eat real food just have nutrition through a vein in his foot till his bowel heals) and now I can’t cuddle him very well just on a pillow while his healing.

My milk came in yesterday so I’m trying to pump every two hours for him but only getting 5ml a boob

Does anyone have any ways to help me increase my milk? I really want to be able to do this for him but I’m worried I’m not going to be able to because of not having him close eg.