Any similar stories?

a. • Mom to Julian, 2 ❤️

So on 3/29 I took a test and thought I saw a faint faint line, sure enough kept testing and line kept getting darker. I got my first dye stealer last Friday. Well I have also been spotting since the day before I found out I was pregnant. I thought it was implantation bleeding at first but it’s been nearly 3 weeks and the spotting won’t stop. Some days it’s more than others but it’s always there. Varying from dark brown spotting to reddish brown. I have an OB appointment on the 19th but I have worked myself up so much every time my spotting got worse thinking that’s it I’m losing the baby. I had a miscarriage in 2018 that started with light bleeding but quickly progressed into a full blown miscarriage. However this time it just won’t get worse but won’t get better. I am scared it might be ectopic i am just worried myself sick. Has anyone had a similar experience and how did it end up? From my miscarriage in 2018 I went on to have a relatively healthy pregnancy and had my son in 2019 and didn’t spot not once during that pregnancy. I guess I am just trying to see if I should have any hope when I go to the doctors on Tuesday or be prepared for the worst….