CPS advice post DV incident

Long story short- I live in NY. I smoke, it's now recreationally legal here.

And there was an incident between my husband and I, two nights ago. I spoke with my counselor about it and she reported the incident to CPS because my son was in the home at the time.

My husband is out of the house staying in a hotel down state. They have these details. I got a visit from a case worker today and let her come in and talk to my son. I figured I personally had nothing to hide and she already has a full report anyway. But I'm at a loss. I'm worried they will take my son from me. She did an informal interview with my consent and being 3 he answered her questions but when she asked do mommy and daddy yell alot or sometimes- he said "alot" and said yes when asked if he gets spanked. He's been spanked once, 1 time for running toward and nearly in the road. There are clearly no marks on him.

Ofcourse while she was here, I accidentally hit him with the cupboard door when she wanted to check that we have food.

I don't know what to do. I'm terrified they are going to take my son from me, even just temporarily. This has never happened before, that's why I was comfortable sharing about it with my counselor and didn't even think she would report it. And I'm not mad at her. I understand her concern. But I want to be positive my son will not spend a single night away from his mother. My husband was the agresdor and ive taken the steps to make sure he is not in the home. He plans to get counseling understanding he's hit a new low, apparently.

It's evening on a Thursday so all the local lawyers are closed. The more I read about DCFS/CPS the more terrified I get. Like should I have not let her come in? Should I have not let her interview either myself or my son? She didn't offer much info. In the report or tell much so I don't know. My counselor knows that I do raise my voice in anger and have slammed my hand on the counter in anger, I'm seeing a counselor for these reasons. Is that enough to take him from his mom?