Do you support legislation for creating and maintaining community gardens?


There is no doubt there are a wealth of benefits for building community gardens. However, would you vote to support government initiatives to create and maintain community garden programs ? What would be important to include in the legislation? What could be problematic?

I wondered this, when we began to see crisis agencies moving food donations from the hungry to feed the starving in Ukraine. Do we bear some responsibility to help offset a portion of this food scarcity crisis? What about reducing food miles to offset climate change?

Below is an excerpt to briefly outline the benefits.

Community gardens:

* Improve air and soil quality

* Increase biodiversity of plants and animals

* Reduce “food miles” that are required to transport nutritious food

* Can reduce neighborhood waste through composting

* Access to fresh foods and improve food security

* Increase physical activity through garden maintenance activities

* Improve dietary habits through education

* Increase fruit and vegetable intake

* Reduce risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases

* Improve mental health and promote relaxation

* Gardens in urban areas are positively correlated with decreased crime rates

* A government funded program would provide job opportunities

* Urban agriculture can teach residents useful skills

Article to source studies and statistics to support above claims:

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