Is it normal to be this exhausted??

Erin • Oklahoma Doula (@douluxebirthservices) Jacob Russell 8.5.22 💜

I am 22w 3d. I was exhausted through most of my first trimester, but it seemed to ease up once I hit my second and I was beginning to get energy back! However for the last couple of weeks, that minor energy boost has completely disappeared. Husband and I go for a walk? I’m puffing by the time we get back. Take a shower? I feel like I’ve run a mile long race. My mother in law and I went out to eat and to a fabric store for a few hours and by the time we got home, my back was hurting so bad I could barely move and I felt beyond drained.

I’m not always the most active person (even before pregnancy) but my stamina was nowhere near this low. My blood work has looked beautiful, no deficiencies. I know growing a baby is hard work, but I feel like this is really early to be feeling this drained all the time.