Hopefully this will be our month!🙏

Sara • Happily Married 11-28-15👩‍❤️‍👨 Mommy to Leah Marie 5/9/19👧🏽 Trying for baby #2🤰🏽

We have been trying for baby #2 since my daughter was six months old, now she will be 3 Monday on the 9th, we actually tried for three years to get pregnant with her, since after having her my cycle went back to normal for a few months and then started acting up never start on time or never start at all, but last month I started on my 28th day and that used to be the normal for me, well today May 2nd is my 28th day for this month and I started, so I ovulated on the right day I’ve been tracking my ovulation and this has been the first time catching my ovulation in a long time well ever since I got pregnant with my daughter. Hopefully this time will be our month🤞🏼🤞🏼