Do I go to the hospital? I’m scared 😩


This has been going on since around five-ish tonight. Long story but going to try to keep it short. I’m 38 weeks today and this is my second baby but the first one was a scheduled C-section because he was breech

. I already was at the hospital this morning because I thought maybe my water had broke when I got out of bed this morning and I didn’t really sleep well because I was having pains and they wanted me in for a no stress test. We went in this morning and everything was fine I was only 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced so that’s why I’m having trouble believing that this could be it when this morning I wasn’t even close. But these HURT and they’ve been increasing and I don’t know what else they could be other than contractions (with my first I didn’t experience any of this). I also lost some of my mucus plug yesterday (which I know doesn’t mean much) and have been losing more all day today (which they told me might happen for the day).

I don’t know this just seems surreal (the 26 minute one is an outlier…I was in the shower during that time to try to feel better but had at least 2-3 while I was in there). Maybe I just have a low pain tolerance but I’m scared 😩 already talked to the on-call doctor twice and she said if they continue to get closer together then come in