

To my babies,

I lost one of you before I had the chance to ever see you. I found out about the second one the next month and I got to meet you but the tests were not good so I tried to remain hopeful and do everything I could to protect you. But today I found out your heart stopped and that you are gone. I have carried you for 2 weeks now knowing something was wrong but could not fathom that you had left too. I hope you know how loved you were in your little life and that your mommy will love and miss you for the rest of hers. I will always wonder what you both would have grown up to be. Losing you both has been the most painful experience of my life. The words " I am sorry but there is no heartbeat" will forever be burned into my mind but know that I did everything I could. I will see you one day my loves until then look over your mommy, daddy, and big sister.