Baby won’t take bottle at daycare


So we exclusively breastfeed mostly but dad gives a bottle at bedtime and has since baby was 2 weeks old (he’s 11 weeks now) we give a bottle here and there during the day too for me to get a break and to see how much he eats so I know what to send to daycare. I go back to work next week, and baby has gone to daycare a few times for shorter practice days and he was taking an hour to finish a bottle there so we sized up the nipple but then he was downing a bottle in 10 minutes and fussy afterwards. We switched bottles, tried about 5 different ones and finally settled with dr browns wide neck bottles (he hates the narrow ones) did a few bottles at home with the new one and he accepted it easily, ate great, finished the bottle in 15-20 minutes without issue. Well then we sent him to daycare and he refused to take a bottle period. Waited 30 minutes, offered again, refused. Dad offered the bottle and he refused, we tried the old bottle, still refused. He ended up taking an ounce from the bottle when I gave it to him then passed out and slept for an hour or so. Took a bottle fine at home without issue after that and ate from the breast fine. Anyone experienced similar? Is it just the different environment? Anything we can do besides keep trying? I can’t easily leave work once I go back every time he refuses and he’s definitely too little to just say “he will get hungry enough eventually”. He went about 6 hours without eating during the day yesterday.