Am I a bad person?


So my sister told me a few days ago she's pregnant. I'm ecstatic for her I know she's been trying and this will be her 3rd child so I knew it wouldn't be too long but still thrilled for her.

My partners friend has also recently announced a baby and I'm thrilled for them too! It was more of a shock as his friend (the soon to be dad) had always been saying he's not sure he wants a kid yet but was just a smokescreen as they had actually been trying for 2 years and it has been getting his partner upset and just when they thought it couldn't happen it did.

Lastly a girl I knew from school has announced a pregnancy now I don't know much about her situation in that idk if she's with a partner if they were trying etc (I don't think she was but honestly can't say as she may just not mention her partner much on social media) but either way she is really happy so I'm happy for her.

I just...wish I could be saying it too. I've been trying for nearly a year which I know is hardly anything compared to some women but I just wish I could experience the joy firsthand myself? And like when I found out my sister was trying a part of me the wind was knocked out of me a little because I knew she'd catch pretty quick as her body has literally been there done that lol but then I thought we'll maybe we can share that experience together! And now it looks like we can't and I'm still so thrilled its happening and I know she wants a girl after 2 boys so I'm hoping it will be for her too but I cant shake the feeling. And I feel terrible for it because I feel like a bad person thinking of my own situation. Am I a bad person for it?