When should we BD?


My Lh surge was CD12 last month, and CD13 the month before. I’m currently at CD9 so should I start now or wait till I’m closer to when I think my peak will come? The last few months we’ve BD the day of my lh surge and sometimes the flowing day but no luck so I think I might be doing it wrong. The one time we got pregnant, we BD on CD10 & 11 &16-19 but I didn’t have a peak until CD13.

I think my cycle has settled to a new norm after my MC. I had an iud for 3 years prior to getting pregnant the month after it was removed so I don’t actually know how long my cycle is because I had only one 24day cycle and my total cycle days post DNC started at 33 and are down to 26/27 now. I think I’ll peak CD12 or 13? Idk if my cycles are gonna keep getting shorter. I just don’t want to miss my window… or BD too much? I hear that lowers sperm count?