Baby kicks stopped?

Since the start of 16 weeks, I’ve felt baby boy kick every day. He usually kicks at least 4 times a day and we can feel him with our hand on my belly. Yesterday evening he wasn’t really active and I wasn’t sure if it was because I had a really unhealthy meal and it included a double cheeseburger with both mashed potatoes and fries because I couldn’t choose between the two. I stayed up until 1AM to feel him kick which he eventually did. This morning he hasn’t kicked at all and I’m starting to worry again. I’m 17 weeks 1 day. I want to pull out my doppler but hubby won’t let me because he said it’ll stress me out more and my next appointment isn’t until 6/13. Is it normal for baby to just stop moving?

Thank you ladies 🤍 I reached out to my OB and my nurse got back with me and said it’s totally normal and I may not feel consistent movement until 23 weeks. I also snuck out my doppler and found baby’s heartbeat in seconds. So I’m going to continue to pray this is just a lazy day for him. I appreciate everybody commenting because I was really worried. This is just the furthest I’ve ever gotten after experiencing two losses on clomid last year. Thank you again.