Possible? What are the odds?


So I'm on the nuvaring, I took my last ring out on April 23rd to have my "period" and it was normal and lasted 5 days as usual, but I had it out for a lot longer than I should have, I didn't put my new one back in until May 11th, and when I put it back in I was having egg white discharge, nipple tenderness and some slight cramping on one side of my pelvis (all symptoms I have when I'm ovulating) and where I had no idea where I was in my cycle for certain I know I was supposed to wait at least 7 days before having unprotected sex. Well my boyfriend and I had sex the next day on the 12th, with no other protection and he finished inside me. I took a test today because idk intuition I guess and I swear I saw a vvfl. What are the chances that I conceived? Is it even possible? HELP!

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