No early baby!

I still have plenty of time to think about this more, and I know baby will come when she’s ready, but what ways can I help her to wait till due date/induction date? I’ll of course be bringing this up with my dr when I see him again, but from personal experience, any high risk mommas have any input??

Last pregnancy I was almost two weeks overdue but baby was much too big and I hemorrhaged majorly and almost died. To prevent that happening again, they want to induce at 39 weeks. Problem is, hospital is two hours away from home (we live in the country) and we HAVE to make it in time if we don’t make it to induction date.

I’m a stay at home mom to our 2yr old, so I’m not worried about being over worked. I could really even do bed rest/couch rest the last few weeks if it might help. I just don’t want to induce labor, have a car baby or risk hemorrhaging and dying in the vehicle in front of my husband and child...