Brown spotting in evenings


5 weeks pregnant! Three nights ago I noticed the tiniest bit of pinkish/brownish spotting only when I wiped. Nothing until the next night when I had a barely noticeable spot of brown on my underwear (nothing when I wiped). Again last night one light but slightly more than the night before brown spotting on my underwear (again nothing when wiping). It is happening just once per day around the same time…. I’m so confused. I called the 24 hour nurse line and they gave the usual “brown is usually fine, if it turns red or you have pain go to the ER….” But I can’t actually talk to my doctor until Tuesday because of the holiday weekend so of course I’m panicking. Has anyone experienced this sort of thing? Was your pregnancy healthy? My only other pregnancy was a missed miscarriage 2 months ago so my mind automatically goes to the worst!