Not posting pictures of your kids = You don’t love them

Did y’all know if you don’t post your kids on social media it means you don’t love them??

I didn’t until my crazy (childless) sister in law told me that I don’t love my 2 kids and that I’ve “abandoned them” because I don’t post pictures of them as often as I post about the baby I’m currently pregnant with (which is rarely in itself too - I only post about “big” milestones like hitting the 3rd tri recently)… I don’t really like posting pics of them online…

OH, this is also coming from the same girl who says she can’t answer messages from our MIL because she’s “rarely on Facebook” but is on FB often enough to keep track of how often I post pictures of my children. 🤔

Just because I don’t post pictures of my other 2 doesn’t mean I don’t take any pictures at all. 🥴 I’ve got 12,000+ pictures on my camera roll sis😂

I’ve learned the hard way that the internet is a scary place and everything on here is forever (hence the anon post).

I just... the shit people come up with you guys 😂