Where do i go from here? I want to die

Im 23. I have a 2 year old. Hes everything. His dad was always a liar and cheater. Calls me out of my name every time i see him. Got into a great relationship or so i thought. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years. 3 days after his birthday. I was planning to move in now i have no where to go. Im in between jobs. Little education. Im helpless. I have nothing. Im tired of starting over in life and it turns out the same. And i get abandoned everytime when someone chooses to love me and i love them back. I still love him. We didnt say a proper goodbye. But he wants nothing to do with me im sure. I hate my skinny bony body. I havent eaten in 2 days and have no desire to. I feel like shit and want to isolate. I miss him and there will be no other man i meet like him. Whats the point of going on if i will never find that love again. Isnt love what people live for. I feel numb. Have felt numb since he yelled and said were ending things and walked out the door right after. Im crying now, and havent cried deeply since it happened. Maybe i should turn into an alcoholic like he was, you dont have to feel anything