Family only baby shower


Has anybody done a family only baby shower before? I don’t want to have a big shower, and I also don’t want the name and gender of my baby posting on social media before he is born.

The reason for this is that everyone kind of expects to know every detail of your pregnancy these days, I wanted to keep the name and gender to myself and my family because I felt like we deserved that bit of privacy and extra time to enjoy it before he is born, I also feel like when you post the gender — everything becomes about that fact. Having it to yourself for the duration of the pregnancy just feels special and allows you to keep your “baby bubble” intact longer. I also don’t intend on posting about his birth for at least a week after the fact.

I know there’s people that will say “have a neutral theme!” but that’s easier said than done when the only thing you actually have control over is the guest list, and also, I *do* want to celebrate the baby as a person, not as “baby” (if that makes sense).

The only option that I can think of to control social media posts is to have a family only shower, in an ideal world simply saying “don’t post anything,” would suffice but we all know how people can be and my family have known his name and gender for months and have been extremely respectful of the fact I didn’t want it broadcasted online.

My concern with doing this is *you know how people can be*, someone is bound to get offended that I didn’t invite them and someone is bound to be offended over my reasoning. I’m wondering if it’s even worth limiting this little bit of privacy I’ve got in case of inevitable drama. Or if anyone has done this successfully.