So, so tired and always in a bad mood

Mimi • Baby boy born in April 2020 👶🏼 loss in 2021 👼🏼 rainbow baby coming in 2022 🌈

Does anyone else feel like they’re constantly in a bad mood because they’re just so freaking tired all the time?

I’m almost 26 weeks pregnant and this is my second. I love my job, I really do. But I wake up every day in a bad mood and I just want to stay in bed. I have a 2 year old at home who I love more than anything I could ever imagine, but I dread the fact that I can’t just come home and sleep after work. I’m also going through pregnancy insomnia so last night I only got 4 hours of sleep ughhhh I’m so done with this!!!

Just needed to vent lol