Tww symptoms


I’ve just found out I’m pregnant - day of missed period. I tested 2 days ago at 11 DPO and it was negative!! My cervix is still low and hard and my CM has dried up - just like before my periods.

Don’t lose hope ladies! My first pregnancy I got my BFP at 10 DPO!

Symptoms wise I literally don’t really have any, I would never have guessed I’m pregnant it’s a massive shock.

The only things I guess were different is that I didn’t have my usual PMS emotional rollercoaster, I’m a lot more laid back and ‘normal’ lol

My boobs are more veiny and are sore but they’re always sore before my period too. I have had a couple of what felt like pulled muscles at my pelvic area but this has been when I’ve moved awkwardly so I genuinely thought it was pulled muscles. Good luck all ✨💖