Not sure whether it’s better to go with my husband on a car trip when 36 wks pregnant or have him go alone?


My husband has a vacation house about 3.5 hours away that he owns with his parents. He has to go there one more time before our baby is born to close things up- we have a honey bee apiary there and he needs to ‘winterize’ all the hives as late as possible. I don’t think we’ll be able to go there any time soon after the baby is born. I told him 36 weeks is the latest him or him & I can go there bc I’m not comfortable with him being away for the weekend any later than that. I’d like to go with him, but his parents usually go there on weekends also. In the past we’ve gone there with his parents, but tbh it’s way too small to all be there together- the kitchen is tiny, there’s 1 small bathroom, there’s no privacy and I need to be ‘on’ and social all weekend. It’s an anxiety nightmare for me so I decided I’m not going there when his parents are there anymore during this pregnancy. They’re nice people but they don’t understand why I don’t want to spend my entire weekend with them and we haven’t had the heart to explain it to them.

So I’m wondering, would it be better for him to go there alone / with his parents when I’m 36 weeks pregnant, or should we ask his parents not to go there that weekend? At 36 weeks which would you be more comfortable with? I don’t want to start a fight with the in-laws by asking them not to go if it’s unlikely I’d be able to go anyway.